About us

We build lasting connections by cherishing our clients as essential business partners, creating collaborative bonds grounded in trust and shared achievements.

About us

Engineered Thermal Solutions for Global Markets

Saisha Engineering Company Limited is not just a regular company. We’re a team of adept engineers, visionary designers, and proficient executors who collectively breathe life into your aspirations of constructing and expanding cutting-edge HVAC and MEP solutions. We are deeply committed to helping you save energy, cut down on your energy expenses, and contribute to a healthier environment.

Whether given the responsibility for starting a new project from scratch or handling the intricacies of the most elaborate expansions, we carefully navigate the terrain to identify the best methods that smoothly blend with your current operations, guaranteeing a seamless synergy. At the heart of our principles is an unwavering focus on the utmost significance of punctuality, combined with an enduring commitment to the highest standards of workmanship.

Innovative Technology

Quality Solutions


Don’t misread here we have random & interesting facts.

We achieve this by being highly consultative with all our clients, focusing on technical operation, capacity building, quality manufacturing and implementation.
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Team members
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Winning Awards
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Client’s Feedback
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Completed Works
Why Choose Us

There are many companies but why choose us

We achieve this by being highly consultative with all our clients, focusing on technical operation, capacity building, quality manufacturing and implementation.

Expert team

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Best Brand

The argument in favorite of using filler to text goes some thing like this top

Best Leadership Ideas

The argument in favorite of using filler to text goes some thing like this top

Like What We Offer

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With us

In order to conduct business with us please send us your inquiry of interest. We shall revert immediately.

Core Values Our Mission Our Vision

To enhance employment prospects in Nigeria by creating an ethical and proficient work force, and consistent upgradation of skills and sharing of knowledge.

To provide world class HVAC and MEP solutions globally through a combination of meticulous designing and planning, executed by a seasoned team utilizing top-tier quality products and solutions

To be the foremost authority in HVAC and MEP solutions across West Africa, with a strategic roadmap to expand across the entire African continent, by committing to provide the best value to our clients by being cost-effective and environmentally friendly, while maintaining high service standards through consistent delivery, innovative methods, and outstanding performance.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
Saisha Engineering Company Ltd.